I have a problem:
And this problem, too:
Clutter is overtaking this house, corner by corner. I announced to my husband that I'm resolving to "40 bags in 40 days" (albeit late), as described and so flawlessly executed over at Clover Lane.
My husband responded, "The way things are now, don't you mean 80 bags in 40 days?" Hardy-har-har.
I'm doing it!
oh i wish we lived closer, because one of my favorite things is to clean out the clutter.
glad you are doing 40 bags 40 days!
There must be something in the air because I've been cleaning and purging like crazy too. It makes me feel so much better! Good luck!
I have a better suggestion! Why don't you invest in a bookcase to go in the corner in lieu of that little "half-table"...maybe you can repurpose this to the front foyer or entrance or in a starwell where a little decorative table would be better suited. Then a bookcase can house all the books and your little one will have her own library. You can also put some of the bins and toys on the other shelves. If you don't like seeing the children's stuff then make a simple curtain on a tension rod to cover the toys/books. If you don't sew, then purchase "valances" and set the self spaces to fit the valances lengths for a custom look...and not every shelf has to be hidden, i.e., show off the books but hide the toys. Hope this helps, fondly, Roberta
Roberta - I like your thinking. You're right in that a little bookshelf would be perfect in that space. I'll have to find one deep enough to handle Nemo's little fish tank, but I'm sure it can be done. Great suggestions all around!
I SO need to do this!
I'm doing it too Lelan and I brought Riley's automated cat (?) to the Goodwill Store and she asked about it on the way home from school (hasn't mentioned it in at least 6 months!) Just be careful what you throw away...needless to say, I had to make a call to get snowball back!
Cleaning clutter can be a great project, and you never know the fun things you will find!
Oh, oh, oh.....I'm so glad to know my house isn't the only one that over-runneth with clutter and baskets. And I'm now going to CloverLane to check out your inspiration! :)
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