When choosing just the right stuffed animals to feature in the rear-window, what do you imagine is the thought process? "I'm going to position Mr. Boo-Boo here so he faces outward to the driver behind me, and then they'll be pleased to see my affinity for displaying toys."
Now that I've mentioned it, you'll see these little rear-window stuffed animal scenes EVERYWHERE.
Meanwhile, I wish I knew the story behind this car's message which I came across in the grocery store parking lot:
In case you can't read it through my dirty windshield, it says, "I {heart} smurfs + chicken."
Weird, yet funny.
I've often wondered about this tribe of stuffed animal lovers as well! Too funny!
Wow- your windshield is dirty!
Holly - it's only because I like to match the interior.
I love seeing random stuff like this. It breaks ya out of the mundane day to day stuff!
I'm with ya with the dirty interior. My car has been dubbed, "The Pre-School mobile". Ha!
Have a lovely day! Those cupcake toppers are soooooooo cute!
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