July 5, 2011

The opposite of "gruntled"

Seven more long, loooooong days until my stinkin' cast comes off.  I've decided to share my feelings about it in line chart form:



Em {Emerging Em} said...

Aww, that stinks. Glad it's coming off soon though!

Anonymous said...

I had my cast on for two months and I was right up there in disgruntled.

I hope you become less disgruntled

JULIAN & Co. said...

hugs. xoxo

Unknown said...

the fact you chart makes you so sexy in my eyes ;o) heehee... feel better soon!

michelle @ this little light said...

It would drive me nuts, so I'd say you've been handling it well. Let the countdown begin!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Hang in there - I'm sure these days are particularly hard, when it's a tad....steamy outside. At least it's pink? Hot pink!

HiLLjO said...

When the hell are you going to be freeeeee??!?!!

The Bonjour Four said...

awwww hope it goes by quickly!

Christina said...

Who said you had to be happy about it? (Hang in there!)