May 31, 2011

One-armed bandit

This is where I've been the past few days...exactly here in this chair and 95% of the time in those same yoga pants:

The ligaments in my wrist were surgically repaired, hopefully closing the long chapter of last year's car accident.  In the meantime, my husband has a lot of opportunities to perfect the perfect pony-tail. 


Cassie said...

I had surgery for a torn ligament in my right shoulder 4 weeks ago...and I'm right handed. My husband has gotten really good at the ponytail, and I've gotten really good at using my left hand :) I only have 2-3 more weeks in the sling. Hope you heal quickly!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh Lelan, that does not look fun! Hopefully everything will heal up correctly, and soon! {{hugs}}

HiLLjO said...

Oh you poor Lelan! Like the diapers splayed over the road didn't cause enough pain...

Don't you worry one bit about those labels. It won't make or break the wedding :o)

Mandy England said...

oh my- no fun at all! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

SZM said...

oh, bless your heart!

Unknown said...

I always love reading your blog! I love your sense of humor!
I was just reading your blog from my iPhone as we are driving along the back roads in Arizona. I clicked on the link about your car accident. As I'm reading it realized I didnt have my seatbelt on. I just put it on after reading that post. Thank you for sharing that with us.
I will always wear my seatbelt from now on!!!

Praying for a quick recovery for you! In thr meantime put your hubby to work!! : )

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

WOW - just how do you ENJOY (aka deal with) 2 kiddos in this contraption?

Two Little Tots said...

Oh you poor thing. I hope you are feeling okay and I am praying that you have a quick recovery. And let's hope Eli can learn how to do a great pony tail!

Miss you!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

yikes!! I hope you're back to normal in no time!! And you don't go into shock over the 'foam' bill :)

Unknown said...

ugh!!! Hope you get better soon! ... so you can shower before we meet buah!


JULIAN & Co. said...

awe, no fun at all! i hope you are on the mend super fast! xoxo