At his age, we understand his excitement and glee for bodily functions, but try to manage them by corralling his use of potty-related words to literally inside the bathroom. He'll even march himself directly into the bathroom specifically seeking amnesty to shout some of his favorite phrases. He likes to ride the fine line of technicality.

So the other day, my husband is driving all of us in my car and pulls next the wrong side of the pump at the gas station.
Wavey: Daddy, why did you pull up to the wrong side?
Daddy: Because I forgot that we're not in my car.
Me: Yes, the gas tank is on the other side of daddy's car because his car is [insert fake snobby voice here] EUROPEAN.
Griffin: Bathroom word, Mama. We don't say "European."
PS: Don't forget to enter to win the handmade felt looped holiday wreath by tomorrow!
Love the wreath. Want it.
hahaha. kids are so funny.
roflmao (oops I said the "a" word heehee)
hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!
This made me that! Griffin is a HOOT!
Too funny!!
Ooooo, he told you! Hahaha, that is awesome! :]
Am completely adopting "ride the fine line of technicality." Hilarious. THAT, my friend, is my son as well. xo
Boys are just full of comic relief.
oh my gosh, that is a riot! cute!
I can see where Wavey is coming from on that one!
Ummmm...if you ever get sick of him, I'll take him off your hands. He scores well above average in adorableness.
Mwahahahaha! Too funny! And that's a good rule - keeping potty words in the potty room. My husband encourages bathroom language. Luckily, neither of my kids repeat him. Yet.
this is beyond hilarious and very adorable!! :)
I can't wait to meet him in person & tell him I use to live in a European city ;-)
LOL! So cute!! "bathroom words"... I'll have to remember that. :)
Haha, that's hilarious!
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