August 17, 2010

Winny, winny, chicken dinny

There's an enormous giveaway week going on over at Thirty Handmade Days, and Good Gravy! is part of the fun

Through the Giveaway Week, one lucky duck wins a 20-pack set of custom note cards + 20 matching address labels + free shipping.  Click here to enter for your chance at some stationery goodness.

And while you're kicking around the Thirty Days site, be sure to check out Mique's other great giveaways.  The talented shops are a fantastic bunch to mingle with. 

Good luck!



Mandy England said...

You better believe I headed off in that direction! :]

Robyn Crumby Photography said...

I love stationery. I'm old-fashioned and I LOVE to send Snail Mail.

SZM said...

love your post title!