It took years to convince my husband to buy a Keurig coffee machine, and he recently caved. What he is unaware of is that while our kindergarten tuition bill will soon disappear, I'll most likely be trading the expense into bins full of delicious little k-cups...
They are great machines, but you can cut down on the cost of the coffee a little bit by getting one of the filter inserts so you can use other coffee with it. :)
I just got my monthly coffee order in last night new flavor of the month for me is the coconut OMG I am in HEAVEN so delicious!! My other favorite is Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry!
i love my keurig! my family didn't know what else to get me for christmas so they sent me boxes upon boxes of coffee and hot cocoa. I will have enough for the entire year...but i really want the limited edition coconut coffee that i spy in your (very) deep bin! :)gina
Ha! I'm so jealous! I want one!
I'll be right over! Oh and you should become Crest's official spokesperson b/c those strips are working!
we bought the Cuisinart one and LOVE it... and our krups espresso maker... and stove top espresso maker and coffee maker...and....
...oh and LOTS of white strips!
enjoy! hugs!
I've always wondered if those machines are worth the $$...sounds like the answer is a BIG FAT YES!
We have one at work, and it is uh-mazing. If I ever leave here, I'm buying one of those machines :)
Those things looks so cool. Glad your hubby caved and that you'll have a few extra bucks to buy more cups :)
I got one for Christmas and love it! What's you favorite coffee?? I'm still in the trying all the different brands and flavors out mode :o)
They are great machines, but you can cut down on the cost of the coffee a little bit by getting one of the filter inserts so you can use other coffee with it. :)
I am in love with our Keurig! I have an Amazon subscription to automatically send my coffee fix every 2 months. It's a cost savings, too.
I just got my monthly coffee order in last night new flavor of the month for me is the coconut OMG I am in HEAVEN so delicious!! My other favorite is Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry!
i love my keurig! my family didn't know what else to get me for christmas so they sent me boxes upon boxes of coffee and hot cocoa. I will have enough for the entire year...but i really want the limited edition coconut coffee that i spy in your (very) deep bin!
We love ours too! Hate to say it, but we're on our third Keurig. So make sure you de-scale your machine!
Also - Kohl's always has good coupons and carries the K-cups, so they end up really cheap.
I also love Coffee Machines...
Office Coffee Maker
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