We received official word that my car has been deemed "totaled." No real shocker there. But between calling the insurance folks, doctor visits, and other related eat-up-my-day kind of activities and discussions, this is an excerpt from yesterday's conversation between me and the car rental company as they were finalizing their paperwork:
Rental Genius: Where is your car being repaired?
Me: It's not being repaired. Its been considered "totaled."
Rental Genius: So, that means it's, like, dead and you can't drive it?
Me: Um, that's usually what "totaled" means.
{Commence self-clawing out of my own eyeballs}
- end scene -

UGH! Kinda like the scene in Seinfeld where they don't have his rental - even though he had a reservation.
"I know what a reservation is"
"I don't think ya do" - makes me laugh EVERY TIME!
bahaha! I honestly say this probably ten times a day, but.. people are CRAZY! I hope you are blessed with lots and lots of patience today :)
Oh geeze... you gotta wonder about some people.
It makes you wonder how they get their pants on in the morning??
I hope that this is the ONE and only time you have to deal with them!
LMAO, hope the rest of the process goes more smoothly mate!
Hahahahahahaha! He works for a car rental? Wow. Just wow. Make for a good blog post though. The clawing your eyeballs out bit is pretty good too. **chuckle**
oh bother. glad you are okay. sorry it has been a big pain in the arse. i am sure it is not what you were hoping to deal with during the holiday season. bummer dude. :(gina
haha i agree with Staci.. that does sound like a Seinfield episode. love it.
Ha Ha Ha!!! People in customer service now a days are crazy!!
Bahahaha, stupid people make me laugh. Well, sometimes they make me a bit angry - but mostly I just laugh. :)
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