June 14, 2010

Six years of marital bling

Yesterday was my sixth wedding anniversary, and this is probably my favorite candid photo from our big day.
We had received the wedding Pez dispensers as a gag gift from a friend, but it so accurately captured our silliness that we used it as our cake topper (in this photo, my husband is pointing out that his ears closely match that of the Pez groom). 

In the six years we've been married, we've never really celebrated our anniversary because Wavey's birthday and Father's Day are both so close that we've always been wrapped up in doing other things for those ocassions.  This year, we decided to go to brunch - just us! - and then I got to pick out this little number:

Not bad for holding out six years before getting an anniversary gift!  Though, I should mention that the hold-out was entirely self-imposed.  I'd been the one who ruled "no gifts" all these years because we had babies on the way, renovations to make, tuition bills, or just life's more-practical-than-jewelry expenses. 

But, this ring was worth breaking the rules.



Unknown said...

happy anniversary! I LOVE the pez - so fun! And that ring... as me and my bff would say in a silly voice... girrrllllll so good make me want to smack ya mamma (yes, we are weird). So gorgeous! So my style! Definitely worth skipping 6 years of presents!

hugs! Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
party inspiration

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

Happy Anniversary! & totally worth the waiting - beautiful!

that is a great picture too - I love a good candid!

Two Little Tots said...

happy anniversary! love the ring...that is so pretty! so happy you were able to get it. and you should go out the 2 of you...good job. we always celebrate anniversaries in this house. and todd and i do the traditional gift giving every year...makes it fun to figure out a gift for him.

Mandy England said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the ring!! And the pez dispensers- so cute!

Blessings for many more happy years together! :]

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

I hear you on the gift hold outs.
What an awesome gift to break the rules - so pretty and worth the wait, I'm sure.

The Rodriguez Crew said...

that was SO worth the wait, and breaking the rules! beautiful ring, and love the candid shot.

Into Ablivia said...

Congrats! Love the ring.

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Sounds like you had a memorable one! LOVE that ring, beautiful on those busy little hands!

Lelan @ Good Gravy! said...

Thanks, everyone! I really looove the new ring. Whatta guy that husband of mine. :)

Tania said...

Happy Anniversary! The ring is gorgeous! You have great taste.

Pamela Smerker said...

Congrats on your anniversary! What a beautiful gift!

jackie fo said...

Happppppppppy anniversary! Beautiful ring and beautiful picture :)

Katie said...

LOVE this ring!!! Seriously, I adore it. Good pick!