February 4, 2011

Tiny bites!

Can we talk about how adorable these little bite-sized treats are?! 

I ran across the Skipping Skones bake shop via Etsy this week and cannot get enough of how phenomenal their craftsmanship of these little goodies are.  Along with the "Hello cupcakes" shown above, here are a few other favs...

Teeny tiny pie bites:


  1. I don't know why it always makes food cuter when it's small... Those little pearled cake bites are sooo pretty. Like pastry jewelry.

  2. Mmm, those pie bites look delicious! My mom made mini red velvet cupcakes for the reception after my recital this afternoon! So excited!

  3. Those look amazing and so sweet! Did you try them? Wondering if they tasted as good as they looked?


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