February 7, 2011

Moment of obvious

A note from school regarding the deadline for Valentine's Day cards:



  1. Bahahahah, good grief. People amaze me sometimes...

  2. It has to be for mothers like me who never know what day it is.

  3. This frightens me. How's the curriculum, Lelan. Can you make a Gravy Homeschool?!


  4. As funny as it seams, you have no idea what kind of parents teachers have to deal with sometimes! From my experience, I think it would be necessary to write that on there. And I bet the teacher still doesn't get all of them by that date!

  5. ha! I agree with Lindsay-I am not a mommy and I hardly know what day it is! :)gina

  6. Wow. This is probably because someone asked this question at one time. Sad.

  7. Got a similar note, asking us to send Valentines in early. EARLY???? Also, I just realized that we are headed out of town this weekend, so Valentines will be completed with tears at midnight on Sunday...Fun!!

  8. hahahahahaha!! I would be THAT parent, just for the record.

  9. wow. though I am more concerned with being told who I want to be my valentine. I would write back... I am not your monkey ;o)

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  10. You might think this is obvious, but as an elementary school teacher, I've found it to be completely necessary. Sad, but true. Many parents just don't get it and need everything to be overly, "in your face", obvious.

  11. I am a kindergarten teacher and you may think teachers are silly to write the obvious, but.... the child that brings them in on the 15th breaks your heart and you can see they feel badly too.
    Curriculum is great...its the having to teach manners and basic life skills that takes the time away. THAT is the sad part.


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