I love brownies. I love Oreos. And this is about how my friend Karen introduced me to the most amazing marriage of chocolately desserts.
Get yourself these two ingredients (plus whatever the box of brownies needs, such as oil, eggs, water):
Okay, this next photo is less-than-appealing, but all you do is make the brownie batter per the box's directions and then coat the cookies:
Grease a muffin tin VERY WELL and then put your coated cookies into the pan:
Bake about 12-16 minutes at 350 and let cool in the tin before jimmying out with a small spoon.
I've eaten about 13,000 of these. Since Sunday. Heaven help me.
Want more brownie goodness? Check out the Bonjour Family's Valentine's Day gift idea!
Want more brownie goodness? Check out the Bonjour Family's Valentine's Day gift idea!

I don't know if I can contain myself.
Lelan, you're a genius...
You are speaking my language with this post! I am going to make these this weekend!! Thanks for the recipe!
I made these for New Year's..and YES, they are HEAVEN!!!!
Now that is a friend!
Yum! I did the chocolate chip cookie stuffed with an oreo for our Super Bowl party and they were so yummy. If my hubby and I hadn't finished off the oreos last night, I would have tried these:)
woah.... yummmers! that looks amazing
Holy cow!!! Speaking of yumminess, have you ever tried the mix that combines brownies and chocolate chip cookies? Also extremely good!
Wow...btw...do you cover the cookies in the muffin tin with the rest of the brownie mixture? Or do you just keep dipping the oreos until the brownie mix is gone? How many does it make? Thanks so much, Roberta
shut the front door.
you don't want to know what words are in my head.
holy chocolate.
this is my kind of baking.
You kill me, you really do. TO DIE FOR!
Oh goodness! I've seen these in a few different places and still want to make them! Yum!
Wow those look AMAZING!! and easy.
I'm gonna look for red coloured Oreos so I can make them Valentinie :)
oh . my. word. :)gina
Ok.....shut up! Those look AMAZINGLY yummy!!!
I needed to let you know that R sent me to the store as soon as I mentioned these.
I am making them right NOW.
I almost know where you live. Will be there in about 4 hours.
I just made them with cool mint oreos - they're delish! I also put them in muffin tins as I didn't have any spray pam, worked really well!
So evil. So brilliant. Brownies plain? Meh. Oreos alone? Not impressed. Put them together? True love forever and ever times infinity.
dying. gasping for air.
holy cow those look delish!! yummmmm
thanks for linking my post up. that was sweet of you. :)
looks amazing! I'm going to the grocery store on my way home :)
Holy Amazing-ness Batman~!
This has to be the most epic, fantastic, perfect, AMAZING discovery yet. BETTER than sliced bread. Psh, way way way times 10,000 times better! I'm totally making these this weekend. All it needs is ice cream, chocolate sauce, and a spoon to devour it with! Hooray! Thanks!
I hate you. I made them tonight. I love you. I added Valentine's sprinkles. I hate you. I only had two but I wanted more. I love you. I posted it on my blog.
Thanks for the great recipe.
I think I just fell in love! These look SO good!!
My dear Gosh!!!
What is this????
We don´t have these brownies boxes here in Brazil but I´ll try to do it, anyway, with some recipe from internet.
I´ll be back to tell you what it was like!!!
If you know a good internet recipe for this, please, let me know at www.diariodos3mosqueteiros.blogspot.com
Mirys from Brazil
Oh my goodness!! I will eat 13,000 with you my friend!! This is a match made in heaven!
these will totally be waiting on my sweet husband tonight when he gets home from out of town business:)))
Just made these. *swow*
Thanks for sharing/
1000% brilliant. making them right now, double stuff style... ;)
A friend of mine posted this link & now a bunch of us are making them ;-) These are so DANGEROUS!! :-)
Made these for my family this week and they loved them ;) Thanks a bunch Leean!
Made this today for hubby ... didn't come out nearly as pretty as yours but he didn't care. But since they weren't perfect I'll have to make them again ... oh darn.
WOW!! You are my new best friend!! How wonderful, I LOVE that idea. Thanks for sharing.
I tried these and posted my pics on my blog over at lizardraerambles.blogspot.com
I added a link back to you so I could share with my friends all the fun ideas I find on Hello Good Gravy! Great site!
Oh. My. WORD. I think I just went into shock. I can't WAIT to try these!!!
I just made these. Yum. I put mine in cupcake liners and only had to spray them lightly. These are very yummy with a fudge/dark chocolate brownie mix and I did some with the peanut butter cream oreos....yummy. Thank you for sharing.
Oh my goodness! These are gonna be lethal! Can't wait to try!
I have made these several times this past year since PickyPalate came up with them last Dec and they are amazing! One box of brownie mix does one package of oreos nicely for those wondering :) mmmmm
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