December 1, 2010

DIY holiday pillows

I have an insane amount of wool felt leftover from my DIY looped holiday wreath, so when I came across pre-made brown pillows, I couldn't resist this no-sew idea.

Here's what you'll need:

+ Tell your husband you're going to Target just to buy toothpaste but then come out of the store a few bucks lighter because you found these great brown pillows at $3.50 each.

+ Iron-on adhesive paper (I used Heat N Bond)

+ Wool felt, or other fabric is fine

+ Glue stick, scissors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

First, iron on the adhesive paper to the back side of your fabric.  Then, you can draw your pattern right onto it:

For lettering, I printed out the word "merry" in reverse and then glued it to the top of the adhesive paper so I could cut around it:

Cut out all your shapes (as seen below), remove the adhesive paper and then iron directly onto your pillow.  I skipped the part of showing you the ironing because if you're unclear on how to iron, you probably shouldn't be using scissors.

 Instant festivity in under an hour.



  1. LOVE it. You know, I bought some bright pillows from WalMart, like 2years ago, with the thought of putting my daughter's first letters on them. Never. Got. Around. To. It.

    But now, I am inspired!!!!!

  2. SERIOUSLY? $3.50? I will have to get over the shock of that amazing bargain before I can process the actual craft instructions..... lol

    I salute you, shopping warrior. :D

  3. blame the Target bill on all the diapers you needed to purchase since you lost them in the accident :)

  4. What!? What a great idea! :D :D :D Thanks so much!!!

  5. LOVE IT! Also, I have to agree: Target (and Hobby Lobby for me personally) = money-eating black holes.

  6. Those pillows are soooo adorable! :) And I can spend a lot of money in Target....


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