November 30, 2010

Clean-up in aisle $8,778

My emergency room bill from the auto accident showed up in the mail.

This reminds me of when I tell my husband after a visit to Target, "I swear I was in there for a just a quick moment and only bought three things."

I love how the IV costs $5.80.  What a bargain.



  1. WOW - let's hope you don't see any of those bills anytime soon! I love the Target comment though...soooooo been there!

  2. ugh! always makes you want to have them justify how it costs that much! ...and I am with you and Jess with Target runs!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  3. O my... we got one of these after last year's Thanksgiving. I'd hate to think what hospital bills would be like without insurance.

  4. Holy, GEESH! I think the IV set you over the budget though. . .(awkward giggle). . .

  5. The accident wasn't your fault, so this isn't your responsibility... right?!

  6. Yes, Target :) one day we spent $75 on things to clean-up [bathroom cleaner, diapers, wipes, toilet paper...].
    Now the ER bill, that is ridiculous. Apparently someone is pocketing some change.

  7. I had my car broken into last night and had a similar experience at the dealership when they had me sign off on a $4200 work order to have the ragtop replaced.

  8. WOW!!! That makes me worry about my little accident this summer...I don't even want to know how much the bill was/is...and I am still crossing my fingers that insurance is taking care of it...let's pray!

  9. I had my gall bladder removed early this year, and for a 6 hour total time spend in hospital, the bill was $14,500!! We were a little shell shocked when the bill came.

  10. Oh my! That is a bargain for an iv.

  11. Talk about making your heart stop!! That is a big bill.

  12. whoa! i am glad you are ok...i need to be a radiologist.

  13. BTW...I posted the recipe today for the cake I posted yesterday.

  14. the BIG difference is that at Target there would have been a sale & you could have probably gotten the IV for free seeing as you spent $7000 in the radiology aisle!

  15. And now I love you even more for using one of my all time favorite phrases...holy shnikeys!

  16. Oh My Dear God!

    I never see these are our Canadian Health Insurance covers stuff like this.

    I think I just had a total wake-up call!

    Yours Truly

    read me:

  17. Oh my gracious how awful! And right before Christmas too.. :(


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