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Questioning everything and never suspending disbelief, Wavey doesn't believe Santa is *watching* her at all times. So, I briefly considered "The Elf on the Shelf" tradition until I came to my senses that it would completely freak ME out having this doll around the house.
Don't get me wrong, Wavey believes in Santa. But she's only threatened by his knowledge of her fresh behaviors when I feign calling him on my cell phone. She's ever-so-practical.
yeah, doll = creepy... Douglas said to us this summer - "look I wasn't very good LAST year and I STILL got a ton of stuff" roflmoa...
hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!
Yup. . .I totally agree. . . I couldn't bring myself to get that thing either. Heck, my son would have nightmares I think.
That elf face freaks me out as well!
the elf is good in theory..but if you're the one being creeped out - no one will have a Merry Christmas :)
Yeah, I don't like the creepy elf guy. And can I admit that I kind of wonder about the whole Toy Story they come alive when we aren't watching? Buzz seems to talk randomly from the toy box around here.
We LOVE the Elf!! And it totally works for my boys- 4&7! They have many toys that freak me out.. the zhu zhu pets that are pretty much toy rats, but make noise in the middle of the night- Those are my least fav :)
I'd never heard of this elf on a shelf guy until I started blogging this year. I don't trust him--he's got creepy eyes.
lol, her choice in what aspects of Santa to believe in cracks me up! And I like that she thinks that you actually have his number :]
yeah, that elf is creepy! Have you tried out the Portable North Pole? My kiddos were AMAZED that Santa knew exactly what they were working on and if they were being good or bad.
oh come on- it is just a little doll. Hmmmm, probably that was a line in one of the Chucky movies and I guess that did not turn out so well.
I wanted to do the Elf on a Shelf idea with my little but I thought he was outright ugly. That's why I ended up making my own and I think they are much cuter :o)
Oh wow, he kinda is scary!! But it's so cute you call Santa on your cell... does it work?
Happy Tuesday Dear! xo
I agree...that little elf is creepy. And why mess with a good thing if a cell phone does the trick?
Bahahah, that doll is super creepy. And calling Santa on your cell phone? I'll have to keep that one in mind when I have children.
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