Say hello to my kindergarten photo, circa 1982. That's me wearing homemade purple overalls:
Wavey took her *official* kindergarten photo this week. Check out this side-by-side of her and my husband at the same ages...I consider her more of his 'mini-me' than she'll ever be mine:
And since we're on the subject of kid photos, I present to you a really hilarious one of my husband:
Keep the cat-calls to yourselves, ladies.

Bwhahaha oh my that last picture is the best. Little bird legs.. Hehe
heehee... love it! It's funny cause I always have thought see looks like you, but in that pic, wow! ...well at least that solves it, it definitely wasn't the milk man ;o)
hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!
oh my goodness...that is hysterical! Love those little legs!
I love your k class photo... on the spinny thingy! Our class photos were always in the auditorium... until 3rd grade when my parents started homeschooling us and we took the school photos on the fireplace.
oh my rollerskates!!! So funny.
You were a cutie pie in K...just like Wavey!
HAAAAAAA- now that is funny. Does E know you posted that lovely shot of him and his daisy duke shorts???
Roller skates, those were the days! Love this! Some of my husband's childhood photos are still in black and white, ba ha ha! Adorable blog here, happy to be your newest follower!
too funny! i still think wav looks like you too!
This totally made my day better (possibly even better than coffee).
Wow! Your Kindergarten class had a lot of girls!!!!
I <3 the hands-on-the-hips in BOTH photos - 5-year-old version of hubby means BUSINESS!
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