July 2, 2010

Will I finish the refinish?

You know how you're not supposed to name a stray animal or else you become attached?  This is kind of the same deal where I've already whole-heartedly decided the colors for these soon-to-be-refinished chairs, which now means I HAVE TO complete this project. 

Like now. 

Because I already have little "homes" for them mapped out in my head where they'll live.

I'll share with you some of my inspirations:
Happy holiday weekend, friends!



  1. you are in it now! You can be like me and start them and have them be "work-in-progress" for 6 or 8 or 12 months ;o)

    hugs! Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  2. You can do it! Can't wait to see the fabulous results!!

  3. i can't wait to see. and i wish we lived closer so we could have a craft day together, now that would be fun!

  4. Ok keep us posted on how these turn out... I'm a FUN LANE addict, and just marvel out how her stuff turns out. It makes me want to try it too (I have my "fun lane" furniture as we call it stacking up in the garage, oof) ... so I'll wait for you to figure out the process for all of us amateurs. :)

    Happy long weekend!

  5. i have a rocking chair that needs some paint and a home.

    i have a feeling ti will end up being a work in progress for too long!

  6. Oooooooooooh! Those are some great chairs! Have fun! Can't wait to see the outcome!

  7. I cant wait to see the chair when you finish them.
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