July 1, 2010

Primer is for sissies

Check out my latest $7 purchase:
I've been on a kick wanting to try refinishing a piece of furntiture and figured at $7 bucks from the local antique/junk store, it's worth the trial-and-most-likely-many-errors attempt.

Both chairs have cool little details:
But then again, I could be biting off way more than I can chew by having to fix the seat on one of them:

Fingers crossed, maybe it'll get done over the next week or so?  Despite my lack of rule-following I'll try to follow the basics, like sanding and priming prior to painting; but know that you'll be the first to hear of any follies.



  1. ugh, it is hard pressed to make me prime too! I know it's the right thing to do, but I just want to get started!

    hugs! Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  2. i can't wait to see the end result and use spray paint...primer and all, it will go so much faster!

  3. So fun! I cannot wait to see how they go. I have been wanting to dive into this type of stuff too.

  4. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
    & I'm with you about 'following the rules' :)


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