March 30, 2010

Two years old

This past weekend, we celebrated Griffin's second birthday but it didn't go exactly according to plan because he wasn't feeling well, however we managed to go outside and play for a bit when he perked up.  Too bad it felt more like winter than spring around here, but have-jackets-will-play.
It feels like forever ago that we brought him home, and as the first few months went by, we were falsly lulled into thinking he was destined to be mild-mannered...

...however despite his strong will, endless energy and an opinion all his own, he remains immensely loveable just the same.
Happy two years, Buddy-Boy.


  1. So sweet! It's amazing how quickly time flies (sniff, sniff). Happy Birthday to Griffin!

  2. Cute pictures. Happy Birthday Griffin! Hope you and him have a great day!

  3. I think the only plan to keep them little is to stop blinking. Blink, Griffin is 2! Blink, my 2 year old is 4! (And I love the 3rd picture. Even unhappy, babies can be so cute.)

  4. Happy Birthday Griff dog! <--- That is what my husband calls him-don't ask me why. He calls Abby meatball and Livy mini meat-so it could be worse!! he hee

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The picture with the pretzel is my fav! Aww I miss the little guy :(

  7. Wow, Your son is super cute! Happy Birthday to him!

  8. well Griffin is just too cute, sorry he wasn't feeling well.


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