March 31, 2010

Twin baby shower invitation: a perfect pair!

Posting pictures of my not-so-baby Griffin yesterday made me all fuzzy and nostalgic for little ones.  I have plenty of friends and family around me who have children under one year or buns in the oven that I can get my "fix" of newborns without any of the actual parental fuss.  Those sleepless nights and cranky days?  Not so fuzzy and nostalgic.

But, it was with great pleasure to recently design a special baby shower invitation for an expectant mother of twins. And the neat part: she's chosen not to find out the gender of the babies! I'm all for surprises, but when it comes two-fold with diapers, I don't know if I could have that information withheld. Kudos to her family for waiting it out.  :)

Personal information has been modified for privacy.


  1. That is the BEST kind of surprise! Love these original invites!

  2. LOVE the invites...and as a mom of twins, I don't think I could have not found out the gender...I needed to have a few things ready before the craziness of two babies was time after they come...feeding them is the #1 job around the clock!

  3. I love the invitations! You are so talented.

    As far as the surprise...I couldn't do it. I'm way too much of a planner not to know.

  4. So cute! I checked out your site. Love your stuff.

  5. What a great and unique invitation - I love it!

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