February 23, 2010

Cookie monster

I'm not a big keep-in-the-house kind of cookie person, but be still my little cookie heart when it's Girl Scout cookie season.  Aside from my main problem of consuming way too many in a sitting, I tend to forget (or put out of my mind is more like it) how many boxes I'm racking up from various cookie-pushers.  On delivery day this year, it became apparent I ordered way too many...again.  A dozen boxes total!  Here's my reasoning:

1.  Those boxes are incredibly small.  One weensy box just won't cut it around these parts.  Not to mention, I tend to give away the majority of my loot so it's not like we're really eating ALL the cookies.

2.  At only three-something dollars a box and cute little scout blinking her big eyes, I have a hard time ordering just one.  Now, take that and multiply the feeling among the regular four or so scouts who willingly take advantage of this well-known fact.

3.  Samoas and their toasted coconut-y goodness.  Enough said.

What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?  And don't say the shortbread kind.  Eck.

PS: Don't forget to enter the Good Gravy! Giveaway.  Maybe your entry could be a comment as to why you possibly love shortbread cookies because of your lack of tastebuds?  :)


Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Which ONE? Which ONE? No such luck...love so many but I guess I'd have to say the peanut butter, chocolate covered kind and of course, those thin mints...which I'm certain will be devoured around here within a day or two!

Two Little Tots said...

Oh, I am waiting for mine and it is not a good thing, because I want to lose 5 pounds before our trip! But, the peanut butter or thin mint...love them.

Enjoy! And I think I am around a dozen boxes too!

Ash H. said...

Oh my! Samoas are my favorite! That picture made me drool just a little. Why haven't mine come yet?

~Christin said...

I've been so inspired by your site and have been hanging around for a few weeks, soaking in the ideas and encouragement towards a warm, inviting home and sanctuary for my sweet husband to get back to each evening.

When the topic of Girl Scout cookies came up, however, I couldn't remain the silent bystander any longer! Thin Mints. My all time favorite... though we have a bunch of Samoas floating around every year as they're my hubby's favorite.

Last Summer I purchased, oh, about 13 boxes of GS Cookies and tossed them in our deep freeze for a few months. This past Christmas I was able to gift them out to friends and family as a unique give that (obviously) everyone loved! Yes, I saved a box for myself as well, as a "yay me" gift for not eating the remaining 12!

Amy said...

Frozen thin mints and Samoas all the way!! This year we stuck to one of each even though I tried to convince my hubby that we needed 2 of the Samoas to equal the thin mints...no such luck!

Lelan @ Good Gravy! said...

I'm glad that no one yet has had the audacity to mention the shortbread cookies and their tasteless qualities. Ha ha!

Jessica: Thin mints...yes, they've been long gone since their arrival.

TwoLittleTots, Mrs.JasonHunt, and Amy: Glad I'm not the only one who orders a dozen boxes or so. But I like MJH's idea to deep freeze them. That's if they can remain unopened between me and the freezer.

Amy: Is it bad that I've done the calculation that two Samoas caloricly equal four Thin Mints? State your case for more Samoas! :)

Into Ablivia said...

The lemon ones are awesome. However, I did just eat a sleeve of thin mints last night. Hey-they have totally downsized the amount they give you so really a sleeve of cookies is not that bad!

ThatsWhatSheSaid said...

Yesterday I received an email from a co-worker announcing that our Girl Scout cookie orders were in. With excitement I said out loud, "Ooo cookies! Hmm, I can't remember which one I ordered." Sure enough when my box came around, I had ordered Lemonades. A SHORTBREAD cookie with thin layer of lemon icing on the bottom. Mmmm so delish!

Unknown said...

Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.
imarksweb.net. God Bless :)