November 6, 2011

Propped up

{Its been a while, hasn't it?  You know when life gets ahead of you a bit?  That was me.  But I'm back, and I've got lots of stuff to share!  So, enough about why I haven't blogged since forever ago.  Let's get back to the present...}

Meet my little friend, Bridget, whose parents graciously asked me to snap a little photo session to use for a custom Christmas card design.  So, I brought over a few props, like my red chair and a open white-washed frame.

And Bridget was having none of it.

So keep this in mind when doing your own photo shoots for the holidays: Kids, especially little ones, will not hold still for anyone. Or, get creative and crop out dad's arm:



  1. Yay, you're back! What a cutie pie, framed or not, but I love what you did with the pic!

  2. This was one of my next biz ideas - getting big 'ol frames and renting them out for weddings and such....but that will never happen. Love the idea - when the littles agree, of course! Super cute!

  3. Glad you're back, I've missed you!!!

    The 'after' looks great. But I kinda dig the hand holding the frame too :)


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