July 15, 2011

So wrong, yet so right

It's no secret I get the heebie-jeebies from dolls, but I always get a good laugh when friends send me hilarious doll-related finds and say, "I saw this and thought of you!" 

Like the following from EarthSeaWarrior:

Or this from ReshapeStudio:

Creepy, hilarious and if it wasn't for my fear that these objects would come to life and stab me in my sleep, I'd totally own them.



  1. The first one creeps me out!!

    I want you to know that my daughter has lots of dolls (of the non-barbie kind)..and now I'm starting to look at them differently - you're fear is rubbing off on me :)

  2. I am always amazed by what people find for you... who would have thought there could be so many creepy doll things out there?

  3. Air plants + Creepy doll = reminds me of Syd's toys in toy story... just botanical.


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