April 27, 2011

You like me. You really like me.

I am just so humbled by the number of followers I'm fortunate to have and provide mild entertainment for since starting Good Gravy! just three years ago. 

I'm not known for my mushiness so I'll just say this: Thanks for being the outlet I've always wanted to have to share in the wackiness of my day-to-day, photos and doings of my family, my endless practical jokes, and my unhealthy fear of dolls. 

I {heart} you all.


PS: And to my in-real-life friends, thanks for not blowing my cover when running into me at the store wearing dirty clothes and no make-up, or hearing me swear up a storm, and turning a blind eye to my poor choices in footwear.  I have an image to maintain, people.


  1. Your blog is great! You put a smile on my face everyday with your funny stories!

  2. This makes me laugh so hard because I use the word "schnikeys" all the time! People mock me incessantly. Glad to know I'm not alone! xox

  3. Thanks for posting and always making me laugh!

  4. Your blog is growing like gangbusters! Fabulous!!!! Your loot at Good Gravy is ah-maz-ing! You know I love it and your hilarious blog!!!

  5. Thank you for not wearing the black track pants :)

  6. You are so funny! I love reading your blog.

  7. i heart you and you are my fave. ;)

  8. i love your blog & thanks for the printables! that's my face on your snapshot! :)


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