April 22, 2011

Stirring the text pot

My husband, Eli, recently got a new cell phone number and whoever had it before him apparently didn't tell anyone of the change, so Eli gets pinged with random, misdirected text messages quite often, like this one:

These messages -  to who we've determined is named "Mike" - have been going on for a while and at all hours, so instead of ignoring, Eli now engages and responds on behalf of Mike (shown in green):

There have been other exchanges including "Dude, you were such a jerk last night," and Eli responded, "I have tickets to the circus.  Want them?"

Nothing like stirring the pot with random strangers.



  1. This is pretty hilarious. I especially love the birthday one! Nothing like messing with strangers for a good laugh!

  2. Those really need to be submitted here: http://wrongnumbertexts.com/


  3. Bahahahaha, that is amazing :) And you really don't have to feel bad about it since apparently Mike has a jerky tendancy anyway ;) Too funny.

  4. too funny! that just made my day!

  5. ...and that's why I love you guys! classic!

  6. Why not?! LOL!!!

    So I might need some wine bottle labels, Lelan...

  7. That is beyond hilarious. I love it!

  8. I have had this problem twice! Once was really bad though apparently who ever had the phone before me had an obscene stalker. He would call in the middle of the night saying some really disturbing things to me, explicit things. He did not believe I was not his "ex" as he called me. It freaked me out big time! Now I get an occasional offer of "Hey do you want to hang out?" I usually just send a text back saying sorry I don't know you...

  9. I just laughed out loud at this... I bet it's annoying but dang that last one about circus tickets was dang funny!!!!!!

  10. This is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!

  11. Who wouldn't want tickets to the circus!?!?!?! This is hilarious! :)

  12. amazing :) makes me hope for random wrong texts - looks like fun!


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