April 13, 2011

Me + Stationery = Potty Mouth

Caution: This post is unintentionally inappropriate for work/children.  But it's darn funny if you care to continue reading.

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Every so often, I get a request to imprint the back flap of invitation envelopes.  And sometimes, the layout falls short of what was actually intended:

Good thing I realized what this was saying before sending the project to the client...but not before producing an entire batch of envelopes.  My bad.



  1. I think it's hysterical...in a 12 year old boy's humor kinda way!!

    I would LOVE to send those out :)

  2. LOL...that is too funny. Good thing you caught it.

  3. awesome. i just snorted/laughed a little. does that make me a 12 year old ?!

  4. The same thing actually happened to me in posting your link on my blog. Let's just say I forgot the "O" in Hello, Good Gravy1 It'S now back to its intended salutation.

  5. Ha! It took me a minute, but that is funny!

  6. He he he he he he! :D :D That is a good laugh! :D


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