February 1, 2011

Curse of the errant marker

When Griffin called me from the other room asking where I kept the baby wipes, I should have known better than to think it was because he was interested in changing his own diaper.

At least green jives with orange.



  1. Haha, you always make me laugh in the mornings - which is a hard task! Ask my family! ;)

  2. What an artist:) My boys have done that more than a few times too....you are kind of lucky that it wasn't all over his face too!

  3. Indeed green and the orange look cute! The gravy kid wearing the colors helps the cuteness factor too!

  4. the fact that he's adorable helps :)

    I get those 'mom, I need a wipe' commands too :)

  5. ...and that he kept it to just the hands...not walls or other body parts. He's so cute!

  6. haha! That is too funny! But yes... at least it wasn't the walls!

  7. Yes, curse those markers! He sure is cute though :) And looks pretty proud of himself too.

  8. If we ever let Griffin and Charlie meet we will not be able to leave them unsupervised for a minute.

  9. Thanks so much for the Sunday morning laugh!

    I have a friend who's 3 year old scribbled all over the diaper-only clad newborn sister with blue UNWASHABLE marker...the day before her baby blessing in church. It made her parents trip from New Zealand to the US that much more worth it.

    keep up the good work!



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