January 19, 2011

Imagine this in your shower

Since my sister enjoys taunting me with creepy dolls, I decided to taunt her right back and had this shipped to her house:

Fleshy baby doll soap by Stinky Bomb.  Best. Jokey. Gift. EVER.



  1. You never cease to amaze me. Creepiest gift, ever...

  2. omg so creepy Lelan!!! Especially the fleshy eyes...*shudder*. This would not be making an appearance in our shower.

  3. I am TOTALLY getting one of those for my brother! His birthday is next month, muhuahahahahahahaha

  4. That is just real, real disturbing Lelan! How does one even find something like this!?

    That's a doozy.

  5. BAHAHA! That is the creepiest so far.. for sure!

  6. You crack me up, but that is seriously creepy as heck! You're right... she looks way too happy about it!

  7. is that you or your sister?
    no the doll head, the person...

  8. oh my gosh! I should get that for dave and draw him a nice hot bubble bath and light some candles! Then when he gets in and sees a baby head pop up I can only imagine the yelP! hilarious!!! :)gina

  9. That photo is of my sister Emily...who is 6.5 years younger than me! :)

  10. {insert blood curdling scream here!} I tend to have a flair for the dramatic....

  11. That would be creepy. Seriously. You and your sister are so funny.

  12. Gross. It's the eyes that do it for me, I think. It should DEFINITELY be displayed in the bathroom that would be frequented by company--why keep this goodness all to oneself??? Nothing better than having guests wash up with a baby head!

  13. you guys crack me up! I love how the box says "pale flesh" ewww!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  14. Nasty! I'd freak if I received that in the mail.

  15. Haha, very creepy! My boyfriend and I were wandering around an antique shop on Saturday and ran across a doll with creepy eyes...and I told him about you and your dislike for dolls with weird eyes! :)

  16. okay, i missed this one...i can't believe you 2...just crack me up! i hope she enjoyed it as much as you did!

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