January 11, 2011

Hold the cereal

The following statements are all true:

1.  I love dehydrated marshmallows. 

2.  I hate the oat-y cereal that comes with them (rhymes with "Yucky Charms").

3.  I researched the internet and found JUST the marshmallowy goodness.

4.  When my husband said, "This is the dumbest thing you've ever dropped $20 on," I retorted, "Fine.  More for me then."

5.  I think four bags will only take me through the end of the week before I succumb to a delicious marshmallow coma and/or all my teeth fall out.

So, for all the times I was the jerk-sibling who rifled through and stole all the marshmallows from the cereal box, to my brother and sister I say: hide your cereal from me no more for I have discovered the motherload.



  1. OH. EMM. GEE. Where did you find such loveliness?!

  2. bahaha! My kids would think you were a QUEEEN for this!

  3. What a great idea!!
    I know 3 people in my house would love these :)

  4. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Can I let you know what I got for Christmas?
    I got a box of Lucky Charms.
    And can you believe I actually thought, there may be too many marshmallows in here?
    Next time I have a box I will pull out my extras and send them to you.

  5. Hilarious!! You bought four bags of dehydrated marshmallows? I'm so curious to see what you'll do with all of them. I am with you--I prefer those marshmallows to the big fluffy ones, much in the way I used to prefer the dehydrated blueberry bits in blueberry muffin batter to the actual fruit. It's a sickness.

  6. Hilarious!! You bought four bags of dehydrated marshmallows? I'm so curious to see what you'll do with all of them. I am with you--I prefer those marshmallows to the big fluffy ones, much in the way I used to prefer the dehydrated blueberry bits in blueberry muffin batter to the actual fruit. It's a sickness.

  7. No freaking way. I had no idea you could get cereal like that! Kids everywhere will be delighted.

  8. i think the girls would love them, but there is no sugar cereal in our house...i know i am a mean mom! it was a rule in my house growing up as well and i guess i just have kept it around!

  9. ha ha ha ha ha. lelan you crack me up!

  10. Ewww, I am getting a stomach ache just thinking about it!

  11. You, my friend, make me laugh like no other. I used to be that kid who tried to get an unfair marshmallow to "healthy" cereal ratio, but right now thinking of straight up dehydrated marshmallow cereal is making my morning sickness kick in.

  12. Bahahaha, hilarious! I never did like Lucky Charms, but I did try to do the same thing with Raisin Bran. I think I only like the raisins because they're covered in sugar.

  13. Oh my word I am just laughing and laughing. I think you would make every kid the happiest ever if they could have that for breakfast. :) That is just too funny.

  14. OH MY LORD. My 2 year old would flip OUT for this! (And me too!)

  15. Please share where you got these. My hubby picks all of them out of lucky charms himself. I need to get this for him for Valentine's Day. His birthday is in November and that is just too far away.

  16. My hat's off to your resourcefulness. Enjoy!

  17. YUM! now if you can just find m&ms without the blue ones, you'd save me a lot of time...

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!


  19. Oh my, I would love to be at your house in this snow storm!!!

    So would my Little Miss Magic!


  20. What you can buy just the marshmallows!? Amazing! Are you eating them with milk like cereal or by the bucket load...I mean by the handful?

  21. I really want some marshmallows now lol

  22. Soooo funny! Love your brand of crazy! I'd totally drop $20 in a beat! ;-)

  23. ok, i would love for you to shareyour secret and let me in on where you found those! the fluffy ones just don't taste the same and i would have kids that would LOVE me the most if i got these! yes, they would have cavities to boot, but nothing a dentist can't fix! ha! please share!

    also, thank you for the valentine's day printables! they are so pretty!

    newest follower!

  24. OMW - Where did you find those? That's awesome!!!

  25. I found it here:

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.


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