December 28, 2010

This is probably some federal offense

My sister Emily was apparently trying to get a laugh out of my local UPS driver who delivered this package to my home:

This probably payback for the time I mailed a package addressed to her attention at a ficticious "Smell-O-Rama" and she had to go to the post office in person to claim it. 




  1. I love it! Nothing like making "moments" out of ordinary things, even if it does involve the word "smelly." A sense of humor is the finest gift.

    LOVE your blog!

  2. too funny! i am sure the UPS man out a kick out of it, during his busy days!

  3. Haha too funny!! Did you all have a good Christmas? Sure glad you're back!

  4. omgoodness! i can't remember how i stumbled across your blog, but i'm so glad that i did. you totally crack me up! i love your sense of humor!

    i'll visit again soon. :o)


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