December 21, 2010

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Here's a photo taken on Christmas Day last year and there are few things going on that I'd like to point out.

1.  We had the world's most pathetic Christmas tree that would only hold one string of lights.

2.  Wavey had raging pneumonia and her excitement for the diagnosis is rather apparent.

3.  Toys exploded all over the family room by dusk.

4.  Griffin, the forever-peanut that he is, STILL fits into and wears those pants.

I'm taking a blogging break the rest of the week to enjoy the holidays with family, and I hope you have a great holiday as well.  I'll be back on Monday!  :)



  1. Merry Christmas, Lelan! We love the Christmas cards, as well as the super-cute note cards. ThAnK YoU!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. I spy what appears to be a farm animal we took the batteries out of immediately b/c the rooster literally crowed all.night.long.

    Also, I took pictures of some puppets for you...they are dolls, right?

  4. OMG that is what my living room looks like right now (we had d's christmas on sunday)...let's just say one of our emergency exits is not viable... merry christmas!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  5. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Oh yes, I think the toy explosion happens with all kids on Christmas! I hope you guys have a great Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas Girl! I miss you and wish we could see each other this holiday season.

    Enjoy your time and I hope you are taking some time off too.


  8. You tree looks about like ours- all non-breakable ornaments!

  9. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Hope your tree is bigger this year, Wavey and Griffen stay healthy, he gets a new pair of pants and that you can actually RELAX! Merry Christmas!

  10. i love your blog and will miss you but am happy you will be enjoying your holiday with loved ones. :) see you soon luv bunny! :0gina

  11. Very cute pic. Of course. You always post adorable photos. Y'all have a very Merry Christmas!


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