December 6, 2010

"Gary" would have been a funnier name

A far cry from the weensy tree we got last year, my husband ventured out a little earlier this go-around and picked up a decently sized tree.

Growing up in Los Angeles, my tradition of getting a tree consisted of going to a hardware store parking lot and watching my parents buy a pre-cut tree for about $20. 

I still see no problem in paying someone else to do the dirty work of chopping and dragging a tree out of the woods, but my New England-hearty hubs cries "blasphemy!" and insists we (as in he) chop down a fresh one.  Fiiine.

Wavey decided her own tradition will be to name the tree each year.  Why the heck not?  Please meet "Trunk-a-thon."  Unusual, but distinctly Wavey.



  1. your kids crack me up, I am hoping Poptart (D's name for our future child) turns out just as cute! ...and I insist on chopping down a tree too - go East Coast!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  2. What a great name..although, Gary would be just as good :)

  3. she is so funny! i can't wait to see it the tree all done and pretty...will you post pictures?!

  4. I love trunk-a-thon. Super cute!!

    Like your hubby, mine also insisted on cutting down the tree...what is that about? Is it a way to proove their "manly-ness?" Not so manly when he has his wife and 2 kids drag it back up the hill!

  5. Great name!! My kids name everything too- like Violette the van. We even sing "go Violette go" when she drives us up a big hill! You know like "go Percy go" from cat in the hat?

  6. hilarious! they have such personality! i wonder who they get it from. :)gina

  7. It must be a New England thing! We always went out to the tree farm to chop down our own tree! In the freezing cold and snow!! It is all part of the fun!

    I thought all Christmas trees in LA were those kind that are fake and pink or white!

    Your kiddos are too adorable for words! :D Love that the little guys has gloves on! Cute! Cute! Cute!

  8. hahaha love the name. I'm with your hubby on that one.. except this year we decided to go the easy route and go to lowes. oh well... :( your kids are too cute! they look like they're having fun!


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