November 18, 2010

There's a genius amongst us

We received official word that my car has been deemed "totaled."  No real shocker there.  But between calling the insurance folks, doctor visits, and other related eat-up-my-day kind of activities and discussions, this is an excerpt from yesterday's conversation between me and the car rental company as they were finalizing their paperwork:

Rental Genius: Where is your car being repaired?

Me: It's not being repaired.  Its been considered "totaled."

Rental Genius: So, that means it's, like, dead and you can't drive it?

Me: Um, that's usually what "totaled" means. 

{Commence self-clawing out of my own eyeballs}

- end scene -



  1. UGH! Kinda like the scene in Seinfeld where they don't have his rental - even though he had a reservation.
    "I know what a reservation is"
    "I don't think ya do" - makes me laugh EVERY TIME!

  2. bahaha! I honestly say this probably ten times a day, but.. people are CRAZY! I hope you are blessed with lots and lots of patience today :)

  3. Oh geeze... you gotta wonder about some people.

  4. It makes you wonder how they get their pants on in the morning??

  5. I hope that this is the ONE and only time you have to deal with them!

  6. LMAO, hope the rest of the process goes more smoothly mate!

  7. Hahahahahahaha! He works for a car rental? Wow. Just wow. Make for a good blog post though. The clawing your eyeballs out bit is pretty good too. **chuckle**

  8. oh bother. glad you are okay. sorry it has been a big pain in the arse. i am sure it is not what you were hoping to deal with during the holiday season. bummer dude. :(gina

  9. haha i agree with Staci.. that does sound like a Seinfield episode. love it.

  10. Ha Ha Ha!!! People in customer service now a days are crazy!!

  11. Bahahaha, stupid people make me laugh. Well, sometimes they make me a bit angry - but mostly I just laugh. :)


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