October 15, 2010

GloBalls (make up your own quip here)

Say what you want about the insane amount of preservatives and junk associated with this little vice of mine.  Just know that this is the result of a woman with the dietary habits of a preschooler paired with the purchasing power of a 33-year-old.


PS: Despite the french-fries-meet-car-seat incident several days ago, this little snack will not be shared with the Gravy Kids.  Only one poor food choice per week allowed.


  1. Everyone has a not-so-good-but-I'm-eating-it-anyway treat they love. Enjoy! And thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog.

  2. Earlier this week I thought of a new rule ... I would only eat something if I would let my kids eat it. But then how could I have chocolate cake for breakfast?

  3. u always find the craziest things:)

  4. Hahaha, those are vibrant, but mmmmm they look tasty. I thought of you the other day when I was at Toys R Us. . .saw the creepy doll you showed us a few weeks ago. Your assessment was NOT an overreaction. . .that thing is creepy ;D

  5. Holy Glowballs. Those terrify me a little bit. I'm sure they are incredibly tasty, but I like to reserve that special brand of green for windshield wiper fluid and household cleaning supplies.

  6. WOW - those are quite LIME GREEN! I love that you find these things and share them with us!

  7. Okay, I am trying to eat really clean....but these look good!

  8. wonder if affects anything like grape soda does *wink*

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!
    party inspiration

  9. That color is just all wrong for food.

  10. okay, now that looks delicious! i want one NOW! :)

  11. You sound like my husband.
    Every time he picks something up at the grocery store he comes home with things like this.
    He has recently found a section that sells British convenience store food. Turkish Delight anyone?


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