September 2, 2010

NyQuil = life's insult to injury

I missed out blogging yesterday because I've been much too busy hacking up my lungs.  The coughing has been so bad that its kept me up for several nights and me + no sleep = non-functional.  It's amazing I ever made it through the Gravy Kids' newborn stages without inadvertently bottle feeding them coffee creamer.

I will say this about being sick: I hate NyQuil.  I hate it so much that I'd rather try and go days without rest than succumb to what I perceive is the equivalent to drinking gasoline.  But the other night I had no choice, and to make matters worse, I couldn't find the stupid dosing cup that goes with the medicine and had to resort to piping it out with a toddler medicine syringe and shooting it from the only clean cup I could find: one with floating glitter and snowmen.

The whole experience was ridiculous.  But I slept like the big baby I am when I'm sick. 



  1. I have that very same cup!
    I just swig nyquil from the bottle rather than measuring it. And I loathe the taste of it too. I also have a cold, and took it last night. UGH!

  2. ahhh...the things we do to feel better. I hope you're feeling a-ok now!

  3. sorry you are feeling under the weather! glad you got some sleep!

  4. I hope you are feeling better! :)

  5. Oh, that is horrible. I hope you get better soon. I do not like nyquil either. Ugg. Being sick is NOT GOOD. Sending some hopes to a better feeling day tomorrow...even if it is only a little better.

  6. Awww, Lelan!! So sorry you are sick! I NEVER go to the doctor, but one time YEARS ago, I couldn't sleep because of a cough, so I went. He prescribed me cough medicine with Codeine. HUGE bottle, still use it. Best doctor visit, ever.

  7. You poor thing! I hope you are feeling better today and that tonight is free from NyQuil. Grab some whiskey...isn't it the same thing anyway? Ha ha ha

  8. Thanks, all, for your well-wishes! I reaaaally need to take more, but I can't do it.

    And Lindsey - if I took a swig, I'd be risking the chance of consuming too much! Not that I'm worried about a true overdose, but I'd be ripped that I drank more than absolutely necessary! :)


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