September 9, 2010

First *real* days of school

Kindergarten officially kicked off this week (last week was a "transition/getting to know you" week). 

Griffin was pretty ripped he wasn't going with his sissy (but can we talk about how he's wearing my favorite shirt of all time?!)

As she is each time she visits, my sister was a personal hero to Wavey by offering to flat-iron her curls out:

And finally, in the classroom:

She was a good sport about my rampant picture-taking even though I'm certain she was secretly dying on the inside of embarrassment.  But, being just that is my job.  :)



  1. so cute!! Picture taking is my middle name :) My little one even carries her toy camera around saying 'just one more time'...I may be outta control!!!

    Wavey's hair looks so cute..such a little lady!

  2. so cute. i am happy her day was great and i love the pictures! i will be taking them like crazy in just an hour when the girls go to school!

  3. The cheerio shirt is cute, but I love Wavey's dress! Super cute.

  4. Awwww, so cute. I do love her curls though. They seem to suit her.

  5. SUPER cute photos - I love these! Congrats on her very first day!

  6. Happy "real" first day of school! She looks so cute.

  7. your children are so darling. i love kindergarten! I am so excited!! :)

    ps-I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my business cards. They are fantastic. Oh did I mention I LOVE my business cards? Now I need to find a blogger conference to attend:)

  8. Where did you get the shirt?!

    We are Cheerio fanatics and should have one...wait, there is google, so I guess I could find it on my own :)

  9. Awww - they are so cute, and I agree about the t-shirt - I heart Cheerios haha!!


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