August 5, 2010

High tech paper plates

Jessica from Barefoot by the Sea wrote a great post earlier this week about 'taking it in and just be.'  A good reminder to slow down, especially within these days of hustle and bustle and this constant buzz of high-tech entertainment (I raise my hand in guilt). 

{image via Brassy Apple via 30Days}

So when I came across a 30Days feature from Brassy Apple about a very low-tech/high-fun idea in the simplicity of letting your kids play with paper plates, the light bulb came on.  It doesn't need to be high-volume or high-tech to equal high-engagement. I'll be sure to keep you updated on our low-tech fun in the coming weeks as summer winds down.

The photo above is my favorite of the bunch featured in the 30Days "Funner in the Summer" series, but you really should check it out yourself for a good laugh. 



  1. I love this! Riley was just making freakishly scary masks out of paper last night - onto the paper plates!

  2. i love you girls! both you and jessica are awesome and I am so glad to have met you through blog world. this picture made me take a minute this am in my crazy hectic office world and giggle and think about how innocent a child's life is...i need to let things roll off my back during this crazy hectic month and not get so wrapped up in things. I am really getting stressed and freaked out because I hate that in August my family life takes a backseat but I should take one day at a time and be grateful for the time I do have...thanks for this post luv;)

  3. Now THAT is definitely some Funner in the Summer!! Those are awesome. Happiness to that


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