August 23, 2010

Get your craft on: DIY glass etching

You know how I have an obsession with glass?  Wavey does, too.  Being five years old, she believes that drinking milk from a real glass cup makes her fancy.  

So, I got fancy.

I used clear laminating paper to create the stencil of the scallop and applied $2 sticker letters found in the scrapbooking aisle at the craft store.

I smudged on a generous amount of etching cream, but I wasn't careful about the drips and it went past the 'safe' area of the covering.  Oh well...beginner's error.

After five minutes, I rinsed off the cream, peeled the adhesives, and voila!  A cute little glass that reads, "Moo."

It's a bit imperfect and I can see where I didn't carefully apply the laminating paper well, but overall it was a fun 10 minute project that I'm sure will translate into many monogrammed glasses/jars/vases/votives in the future.



  1. How neat. I will continue to live my crafty projects vicariously through you.

  2. Such a cute cup! Love it :] Etching is something that still intimidates me.

  3. etching will be my next 'thing'. You make it seem so simple..maybe I can do it :)

  4. I love this idea..Def on the to-do list...

  5. fun! I just did this with my students and they loved it:) It took me forever to find the etching solution. According to the craft store, the solution is only seasonal?! I had never heard of such a thing!

  6. I LOVE it. You had me with the scalloping.

  7. Soooo cute! I've totally been meaning to etch some glass!!!

    Very cute cup!

  8. I'm totally gonna do something like this. SOON! :)

  9. I'm like Mandy...intimidated by glass etching. But you made it seem so simple and easy!! Definitely gonna try it! Love the design.

  10. Let me tell you: It's SO easy. Do you know how to smear goop around, wait five minutes and use a kitchen sink to rinse? Then you've pretty much got the right skills.


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