July 19, 2010

"Say cheese!" to our yearly family photo

I was thrilled to recently receive our proofs for our yearly family photo taken by the talented Melissa Robin of Melissa Robin Photography

Our photo shoot was the evening of Fourth of July and it was s-t-e-a-m-y outside.  Good thing you can't see how melty we were!  Here are a few good shots from the bunch which Melissa is graciously letting me share with you:

This final photo below cracks me up because Griffin wearing the hat looks like either:
A) an old cigar roller
B) a member of the Buena Vista Social Club
C) BB King (per Kim at Frost Me!)
D) Justin Timberlake

Kind of creepy, kind of funny.



  1. Oh my goodness, these are wonderful! What a beautiful family, and what great pictures ;D

  2. These are amazing! I love it when a photographer can grab a candid shot!
    Oh and I think Griffin looks adorable, now if your hubby was wearing that hat, it might have been a different story!

  3. love them! What a gorgeous family you are! And I still vote for the last one! Timeless! thanks for shout out on the BB King lol

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  4. You have the best looking family!! So smiley and cute!

  5. Your family is so adorable! Aww, and I think the hat picture is so cute! :)

  6. really, really cute, i can't wait to see more!

  7. So great. I love family photos. Its fun seeing your family all intereacting. Great pictures.

  8. Oh! Love seeing these! The last picture of the little JT kills me!!! And you look so pretty!

  9. I love these pictures....candids are great. Your photographer did a nice job!

  10. Such adorable photos of your precious family!

  11. Amazing photographs. What a beautiful family. My 7 year old is a "Griffin!"


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