July 28, 2010

Out of office, Vegas style

I was out of town last week on the west coast!  My friend Beth and I went to Las Vegas for a few days and then hopped over to Southern California to attend a family reunion.
There's a lot of weirdness in Vegas, such as this ginormous Humpty Dumpty statue.  We look so cozy.

In California, I caught up with my dad and sister at the reunion party. 

Then after the reunion, a bunch of the cousins relaxed on a rooftop in Newport Beach.

It felt kind of weird to be unplugged from the internet for a week, and I'm glad to be back.  Now, to attend to this massive sunburn I've got going on...



  1. great pictures!! Looks like you're having a blast!

  2. Looks like fun!

    That Humpty Dumpty is a wee bit scary, like he might just grab you and give you to all the kings horses and all the kings men.

  3. Lelan! I love the west coast and just moved (2 years ago now) to the east coast from Southern California. I actually met my fiance in Vegas. Crazy story and NOT planned:) what happens in vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas! ha!
    You are gorgeous!
    Anyhow-I got your email and will respond asap:)
    smiles, gina

  4. love the pictures! and you and your sister look so much a like...i can't wait until sept. 12th!

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! . . . except the humpty dumpty thing - it's a little bit creepy :]

  6. I love Vegas...we have been twice and yes, there is a lot of weird...but fun to watch! Great pics.

    Karen @ http://barefootinportland.blogspot.com

  7. I am jealous - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Vegas! It's so incredibly fun! Good for you :)


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