July 12, 2010

Bathtub crayons = bain of my existence

Here's a little math equation for you:

"Washable?!"  Hardly.  Try "scrub-with-all-your-might."

And a certain someone - who admittedly can draw a decent cartoon of his children - is not exactly helping:



  1. rofl... subway art is all the rage! p.s. I don't think I could ever get tired of pics of Wavey! She has such personality in photos, I can only imagine her in person! lol

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  2. We need to have a "Moms only" website where we list these horrors. Yup, been there - done that! My brand new tub still has faint marks of little red puppies and blue hearts!

  3. LOL, that is sooo true! When my kids were little and got those I thought they were so cool. . .until I had to clean it up. I wanted to meet the genius who invented them and color his bathtub with them, lol. That's so nice of your 34 year old artist to help ;)

  4. Ahh yes..the bath crayons! The reds and pinks were the worst to remove!

    Love the kid pics...so cute!

  5. oh no, i am SO happy i have not gotten them for the girls. sorry about the mess, i wish i had a good tip to clean it up, but i don't.

  6. Oh no! At least you have an adorable cartoon though. . . :] I'll definitely keep this in mind for the future! I'll just give my kids the foam instead :]

  7. Try the magic eraser- it works. Oh and all our bathtub crayons had an "accident" if you know what I mean. A very tragic, tragic accident............

  8. I ended up trying the Magic Eraser - it worked! Of course, I went through two of the erasers just to get it all off, but at least it's now clean.

  9. DITTO, I bought those stupid things all excited about them... and put them away after one use! AWFUL!!

  10. I am so glad there are other mothers like you out there who pave the way for me :)

    *Note - do not buy those bathtub crayons.

  11. I REALLY hate those things. It took months to get some of the crayon residue off of my tub and shower walls...I totally sympathize!

  12. I was told to stay away from the Crayola brand bathtub crayons, but that the Alex brand actually comes off much easier.


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