May 18, 2010

My trash, your treasure

It was relieving AND scary at the same time to see that we could overflow the bed of a truck with items we decided on a whim (and a quick sweep through the basement) we no longer wanted, needed or even used.
Our town has a transfer station containing a "swap shop."  Think of it like a little area that's similar to stumbling upon a yard sale...only no one is selling anything because the junk-but-not-trash is free for the leaving and taking.

I prefer more leaving than taking.  Buh-bye baby items!



  1. Doesn't it feel good. We got rid of so much stuff a few weeks ago - gave to Goodwill.

    I had this little voice in my head saying, "You could have had a yardsale and made some money..." And I told the voice to hush.

  2. It does feel good to purge! And I am OBSESSED with watching hoarders - seeing everything get turned around and fixed... I think it's like a dirty magazine for chronic OCD organizers like myself rofl...

    Kim @ Frost Me!

  3. doesn't it feel good! way to go! i feel like i could do another 40 bags around here...just too much stuff and really, we don't have that much, but it feels like that when i keep moving something from one place to another.

  4. Wow, I see the blue rocky chair! Never thought I'd see that one go!


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