May 25, 2010

In 1957, everyone had poor posture

I'm helping a friend put together a slideshow for his dad's surprise birthday party, so among old family photos, I'm also scanning in his high school yearbook photo from 1957. The book contains quite a few gems from back in the day that are worth sharing.

In the photo above and below, why on Earth did the photographer make them all lean in like that?!

Among the senior class, each student had one-word career aspirations, such as "sailor" or "secretary" or "dentist."  There were also plenty of these careers:

And finally, while I took some weird electives in high school (hello, welding!), selling logs wasn't on the docket:
And I don't know what it was about the 1950s, but all the teenagers looked to be about 35 years old to me.



  1. omg, that is so fantastic! Almost creepy, really... Though I didn't want to be a log salesman, I did want to be either a teacher or an archeologist... I am neither

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!

  2. Wow, I love this post. It is quite amazing how these kiddos look so old!

  3. Oh. Wow! Those are too funny...Log salesman...I'm still laughing.

  4. I've always thought that up until the 90s, teenagers always looked like adults. I look at my mom's yearbooks from the early 80s, and she just looks so much older at 18 than I did. I'm not sure what changed.

  5. This is fascinating! And I agree, they do look much older, and the way they're slanted is not very flattering. . .

  6. Oh you make me laugh!!! Too funny! I agree with you they totally look like 35 year olds to me! Now High School kids look like babies! Crazy!


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