May 20, 2010

DIY snack bags and my $125 habit

I'll admit, I use plastic zip-top bags.  I'll also admit that I need to cut back on using them rather significantly.  They're not good for the environment and I'm getting sick of the back of my car getting littered with them after errant cereal snacks sneak their way on out.

Amy from Little Bunny Feet posted this great tutorial about making your very own DIY reusable snack bags.  But since I'm sewing-impaired, it was pretty neat to see Amy celebrate her first "blogiversary" with a giveaway for a snack bag AND a $10 Target gift cardCheck it out!

And for the record, it's been scientifically proven by me and my wallet alone that one hand basket at Target filled just about to the brim with "I just need to pick up a few things" will usually ring up between $100 - $125. 

Scientifically proven. 



  1. I love the snack bag idea! they would make great party favors too! And I agree... target is a weakness!

    hugs!Kim @

    party inspiration

  2. I agree with Kim..they would make super cute favors! Oh...& Target always gets me too :)

  3. i have something in the works, just wait!

  4. You are so sweet for sharing my posts!! I can spend waaay too much money at Target on the "I'm just picking up a few things" run as well. It's kind of like a drug...

  5. So glad to know I am not the only one who has that problem at Target...I swear things just jump into my cart somedays :-)

  6. When hubby sees the next charge from Target I'm going with the defense that I would spend less money if he watched the kids. Because with them, I'm more grab and go then figure out if I NEED it at home. But of course I NEEDED a new dress ($12 on sale!)


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