April 7, 2010

On being grateful

Real Simple magazine recently featured an article about things that are truly worth your time and thank you notes were on the list. I'll be the first to admit that I personally could be 100 times better at writing and sending them more and quicker than I have.

The feature was short, but I found these to be particularly good bits of advice with a twist of humor:

And to my own mortification, I've been on the receiving end of these kind of calls:

So whether it's on a Good Gravy! note card or just a small piece of paper expressing gratitude, consider taking a moment to share with others how thankful you are for their kindness.

I will, too.



  1. I heart real simple too! And you are so right - I love getting/sending thank yous... especially means something when the person isn't very good at showing how much they appreciate something in person ;o)

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  2. love real simple, but i have not read it yet...going on vacation with me. and at one point in my life i was so much better with thank you cards and birthday cards...i need to get back at it.

  3. I missed this article...I will have to go back through my RS. I ♥ RS and writing notes!


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