December 23, 2009

It's what's for dinner

On tap for Christmas dinner: Beef Florentine.  I seriously can't wait.  And don't let me fool you into thinking that I'm pounding out beef and harvesting my own spinach while my homemade aged cheese lies waiting in the wings.  I purchase it pre-fabbed and ready, just short of cooked.   A convenient Christmas is what I'm all about. 

Wavey has been quite sick these past few days and upset that she's missed the multitude of festivities at preschool.  We tried to host our own "Pajama Day" at home, but she wasn't buying it.  And (knock-on-wood) none of us have been afflicted with whatever bug she's got, so I'm really hoping she turns the corner since this is the first year she's really embraced and understood the Christmas/Santa/Gifts concept.


  1. oh no, she is sick, what a bummer! the girls both have runny and stuffy noses...and we have 2 jack in the boxes...both climbing out of cribs non-stop! no nap yesterday and last night mara got out of her crib for 2 hours before she fell asleep...i am in trouble!

    hope she feels better :)

  2. Yum! Your dinner sounds delish and not too labor intensive (you deserve a break!)

    Hope your little one feels better ASAP!


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